44 research outputs found

    New analytical solution for the study of hydraulic interaction between Alpine tunnels and groundwater

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    La solution analytique dite du « puits artĂ©sien » dĂ©veloppĂ©e par Jacob et Lohman [1952] est appliquĂ©e au contexte des tunnels profonds en haute montagne pour modĂ©liser la dĂ©croissance en fonction du temps du dĂ©bit des venues d’eau. La comparaison de la solution avec un modĂšle numĂ©rique dĂ©montre sa validitĂ© durant les premiers instants aprĂšs le percement du tunnel. Ensuite, les conditions aux limites supposĂ©es dans la rĂ©solution du cas analytique – milieu infini – ne sont plus conformes Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ©. Les simulations numĂ©riques effectuĂ©es montrent que la durĂ©e de validitĂ© de la solution de Jacob et Lohman est notamment inversement proportionnelle Ă  la diffusivitĂ© hydraulique du massif. Les rĂ©sultats de ces simulations permettent de scinder la dĂ©croissance du dĂ©bit des venues d’eau en deux phases distinctes : la premiĂšre phase correspond Ă  la pĂ©riode de validitĂ© de la formule de Jacob et Lohman. Elle est caractĂ©risĂ©e par l’extension d’un cĂŽne de rabattement autour de l’ouvrage aprĂšs percement. Durant la seconde phase, le cĂŽne de rabattement atteint les limites physiques de l’aquifĂšre (latĂ©rales et supĂ©rieure) et les dĂ©bits dĂ©croissent plus rapidement suite Ă  la dĂ©croissance des potentiels hydrauliques aux limites. Sous rĂ©serve du peu de donnĂ©es disponibles, ce type de comportement a Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence dans les Alpes aux tunnels du Simplon et du Mont-Blanc. Dans la seconde partie de l’article, un abaque paramĂ©trique est prĂ©sentĂ©, permettant d’évaluer, aprĂšs le percement d’un tunnel, le temps nĂ©cessaire pour qu’un rabattement donnĂ© soit atteint en un point dĂ©fini du massif. Bien que nĂ©gligeant les effets de limites mis en Ă©vidence dans la premiĂšre partie de l’article, cet abaque permet nĂ©anmoins de mettre en Ă©vidence la grande inertie, Ă  cette Ă©chelle d’observation, des aquifĂšres en massifs montagneux. Il peut ĂȘtre appliquĂ© Ă  la dĂ©termination du temps nĂ©cessaire pour que l’effet hydraulique du tunnel soit mesurable en surface et dĂšs lors Ă©tendu au dimensionnement des campagnes de surveillance des sources lors du percement d’un ouvrage souterrain. Cet abaque dĂ©montre l’influence de la gĂ©omĂ©trie du tunnel (rayon, profondeur) et des caractĂ©ristiques hydrauliques de l’aquifĂšre (diffusivitĂ©, hauteur de la nappe) sur la durĂ©e nĂ©cessaire des campagnes de surveillance. Celles-ci devraient ĂȘtre ajustĂ©es au cas par cas en fonction du contexte de l’ouvrage souterrain

    The Merti aquifer (Kenya), a sustainable water resource for the Dadaab refugee camps and local communities?

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    The Merti aquifer (Kenya) is the only permanent water resource for the supply of the Dadaab refugee camps and local community. Risk of well salinisation and water level depletion has led to the concerns regarding sustainability of groundwater management. A methodology was developed to quantify groundwater recharge, based on hydrogeological data analysis, linking river discharge rates to groundwater recharge by combining remote sensing techniques with surface/groundwater numerical modelling. Also, the risk of salinisation of wells was assessed by means of numerical modelling combined with data provided from a groundwater monitoring network. Groundwater recharge estimates yielded 50 to 100 times higher values than previous studies, suggesting a multi-layered aquifer system. Since abstractions are concentrated within only one aquifer horizon of the system, they were found to be close to recharge rates. Hence, groundwater prospection of deeper horizons could reveal a potential for new groundwater resources in the area

    Change of biological soil quality in organic and conventional farming systems of the DOK trial

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    The DOK trial has started in the 1970ies, when first reports warned us on the consequences of our actions and the limits to growth. Even though farmers and a huge research community know better, we are still not managing our soils in a sustainable way. It seems inevitable that the mainstream agriculture wants to go beyond natural frontiers. Soils have an enormous buffering capacity, but this ends, when ecosystems are collapsing not only at the local, but also at the global level

    Modelling Discharge Rates and Ground Settlement Induced by Tunnel Excavation

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    Interception of aquifers by tunnel excavation results in water inflow and leads to drawdown of the water table which may induce ground settlement. In this work, analytical and numerical models are presented which specifically address these groundwater related processes in tunnel excavation. These developed models are compared and their performance as predictive tools is evaluated. Firstly, the water inflow in deep tunnels is treated. It is shown that introducing a reduction factor accounting for the effect of effective stress on hydrodynamic parameters avoids overestimation. This effect can be considered in numerical models using effective stress-dependent parameters. Then, quantification of ground settlement is addressed by a transient analytical solution. These solutions are then successfully applied to the data obtained during the excavation of the La Praz exploratory tunnel in the Western Alps (France), validating their usefulness as predictive tools

    Improved computation of non‐linear advection in porous media using slightly modified basic finite element algorithms

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    The numerical stability of standard finite element schemes applied to the advection–diffusion equation is evaluated using a space‐time eigenvalue analysis. Unlike the usual approaches which only consider temporal aspects of stability, this analysis also describes the spatial stability of the solutions. To this end, the one‐dimensional advection–diffusion equation is put into an alternative semi‐discrete form which allows the derivation of a very practical stability condition. In multidimensional flow situations the latter is applied along the streamlines by means of a tensorial corrective function that prevents excessive numerical smearing of fronts or phase interfaces. The efficiency of the procedure is illustrated by an example which successfully simulates the coupling of two low miscible fluid phases in a variably saturated porous medium. Copyrigh